Why is Harry so Happy?
Harry is super happy he finally understands his marketing.
He wasn’t always this way.
There was a time, not so long ago, when Harry was frustrated with marketing.
Who is Harry?
Harry is very much like many small business owners.
He built his business through hard work and learning the roles of all the various hats any new business owner quickly wears. He juggled accounting, project management, customer service, marketing, and sales all while staying ahead of the competitors in his industry.
The busier Harry got, the more challenging this became. His customers were really satisfied and word quickly spread so much of his new business came from word of mouth. This fueled the growth of his business. Growth was steady for some time which helped him build a solid customer base.
He had a website built a couple years ago by someone he met at a Chamber of Commerce event. It looked nice and gave a general overview of his business along with his contact information. A couple new customers would find Harry on the search engines now and again. He really did not know how. Anytime he searched, all he saw were his competitors.
One day, Harry realized that he needed more help. He simply could not continue the pace he was on. This extra help would also help him take his business to that next level… two or three times beyond the current state he was managing on his own.
This is when the marketing frustration began…